Perseverance in Acupuncturists
Independent Practice

Dedicated to making a positive difference in advancing the status of acupuncturists through practical and legal means with a vision in future achievements
In 2024, upon various events of departures, and the retirement of Dr. Hung, the Board of the American Acupuncture Association has elected Dr. Zhou Xiaoping as the new chairman for the organization.
​The website has since gone into reconstruction. We will continue to improve the website to enhance the communication with the members. We will bring back the features from the old website as soon as possible.
Student Membership
40$Every yearFor any student interested in acupunctureÂ- Professional Membership
Professional Membership Annual Pass
99$Every yearFor any professional interested in acupuncturesÂ- Professional Membership
About Us
Our Story
In the United State, acupuncture is not recognized and understood by the American communities. Back in the early 1960s near 50 years ago, acupuncture in the United States was challenged by “practice without license”. Practicing acupuncture is considered illegal. Chinese and other Asian doctors are not permitted to treat patients with acupuncture. The advancement is only stop short to practice under the supervision of western medical school trained doctors, or a referral by the western medical doctor is required before the acupuncture can be practiced.
After years of unremitting efforts by Dr. David Hung, he overcame many difficulties and obstacles. Finally, on August 9, 1975, it was approved by the New York State Senate and House of Representatives. The New York State Governor Hugh Carey finally signed and approved the State Independent Practice of Acupuncture Act. Since then, TCM acupuncture doctors in New York State have become legal, and acupuncture doctors can practice medicine independently. IN 1976, New York State began to issue the first group of acupuncture licenses, and Dr. Hung became the first Chinese acupuncturist to be awarded an acupuncture license.
A year later, the American Acupuncture Associate was officially founded to continue fighting for the independent practice and the status of acupuncturists.
At American Acupuncture Association (AAA), we focus on activities related to the promoting the acupuncture and moxibustion; provide knowledge to the professional to understand and practice acupuncture and moxbustion as an independent treatment option; provide general public with knowledge and the development of acupuncture and moxibution with the modern medicine including causes, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of any known acute or chronic diseases and conditions; and invite expert speakers who practices acupuncture and moxibustion or in combination with other medicine practice,
Current Projects
Passing On the Value
Actively recruiting acupuncturists or any professional from legal, medical to IT professionals to help supporting the value of independent acupuncture practice

Empowering individuals through understanding the past issues and current challenges
Providing educational opportunities for personal and professional growth
Community Support
Enhancing community well-being through various programs including free clinic
Provide community basic understanding and knowledge of acupuncture through seminars

Skill Development
Equipping individuals with essential skills for success
Providing career guidance